Client-server Architecture
Client-server architecture is a model where client devices, like computers or smartphones, request services or resources from servers, which fulfill these requests. There are several types:
Two-Tier Architecture: Also known as client-server architecture, it involves two layers: a client layer for user interaction and a server layer for data storage and processing. Communication happens directly between the client and the server.
Three-Tier Architecture: This adds an intermediary layer between the client and server layers, called the application or middle tier. It separates the user interface, application logic, and data management functionalities, enhancing scalability and maintainability.
N-Tier Architecture: This extends the three-tier architecture by dividing the application into multiple layers or tiers, each responsible for specific tasks such as presentation, business logic, and data storage. It offers greater flexibility and scalability but requires more complex management.
Peer-to-Peer Architecture: In this decentralized model, nodes (clients) communicate directly with each other, sharing resources and responsibilities without a central server. It's commonly used in file sharing applications and distributed computing systems.
Client-Server-Client Architecture: Also known as the two-tier architecture with fat clients, it involves clients not only requesting services from the server but also communicating directly with each other. This reduces server load and enhances efficiency but requires more complex client-side